Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our Birth Story!

It's funny that I do think of it as 'our' birth story; Sophia and my birth story. It's not a dramatic story, it's just what happened. I started going into labor at about 1:30AM on Friday, August 14th. I kept telling J. that I wasn't sure if it was Braxton Hicks contractions or the real thing. It felt like bad period cramps. I knew it was early labor so I was just trying to make myself as comfortable as possible. I took a warm bath at about two o'clock and went back to bed. I dozed on and off until morning.

I called my work and told Sue, the receptionist I wouldn't make it in that day. She asked if I was in the hospital. I said "Not yet ... soon though!". I had a doctor's appointment that morning. J. and I decided to head over there to find out what was going on. I was four centimeters dilated. We decided to follow our doctors advice and wait at home as long as we could.

After dinner I was starting to feel uncomfortable and anxious to get to the hospital. After being admitted and getting settled in the room we paced the wards for about an hour. I lay down and the nurse gave me a drug (I forget the name) that made me feel terrible. I'm sensitive to most drugs and I lay in a queasy daze for a good couple of hours. J. told me we watched a movie - I don't remember! Then they gave me the epidural at 6cm dilated. They gave me too much again though! When I lay on my left side I felt like I was floating on air, except it wasn't comfortable because my leg was supposed to be there! My leg felt like a concrete block with pins and needles! I kept smacking it to get some feeling back, but it didn't work. I lay there on my right side most of the night, until the nurse forced me to turn over. I didn't sleep much at all.

My mum arrived at the hospital about 4:00AM. At 7:30AM the nurse had me start pushing. I could feel the pressure where Sophia's head was coming down the birth canal but I felt no pain at all. The doctor arrived not long after. Mum was on my right and J. was on my left hand side. They were encouraging me to breathe and push. Their support meant everything to me. They are the two people I count on most in this world! I could feel that my little one was so close to coming out ... and then I gave that final push and my baby was born into the world on August 15th at 8:09AM! I'd been in labor for over 30 hours!
I remember that I didn't hear Sophia crying right away like they do in the movies. I asked why and I remember mum saying "Wait a minute!" Then I heard it ... she was fine, that was all I cared about. They placed her on my tummy and I remember being happy, but at the same time not sure what to make of this little creature. She was crying. I shooshed her gently but mum told me she needed to cry a little. She looked like most newborn babies, all squirmy!
It was too much for me to take in all at once ... that this was my baby that I'd been waiting for nine months. I remember reading that having a baby is like other relationships. It sometimes takes time to get to know each other and develop that bond. It's been true for me I think. It's a lovely feeling, getting to know her. I love the softness, the warmth of her, the curve of her small body when I'm holding her. I press her tiny fingers to my lips; they are so perfectly formed! I only wish I hadn't waited so long to experience it!

My angel!

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