Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our Routine...

My routine now ... is that I wake up every morning at about 6:20AM. I feed Sophia between 6:30 and 6:45. Sometimes she is wide awake in her bassinet after feeding at that time. I want so much so stay and play with her but I have to get ready for work. I take a shower, get dressed, prepare a breakfast to go. I pack my own stuff for the day and pack a bag for Sophia if she needs it. Many mornings I write a note for Jeremy to remind him what to take to the babysitter. I also pump breast milk between 7:30 and 7:40. Then I throw the breast pump in the bag and try to get out of the house by 7:45. This week I've been 2 minutes late for work on both Monday and Tuesday. Work is over by 3:40. I'm usually able to pick her up from daycare at about 4:00 and get home by 4:45.

Between 4:45 and 8:00 I unpack my bag from the day, get the stuff in the dishwasher, help mum make dinner and we all sit down to eat. This is a nice time of the night when I have a moment to relax and spend time with my husband and family. From 8:00 to 10:00 after we've cleaned up from dinner, I do homework . Sophia is usually on the Boppy on my lap at that time. She nurses or naps while I work. Sometimes I set her on her tummy time mat to play. Jeremy gives her a bath every other night.
I'd love to have her in bed by 10:00 but she's usually wide awake, ready to play and giggle at that time. I feed her one more time at 10:30. She's down for the night by about 11:00. I 'm so happy to feel the pillow under my head by 11:30!

Then it's time to wake up and do it all over again!

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