Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back to Work Success!

So it's Wednesday evening. I picked Sophia up from daycare at 4 o'clock, right after work. She goes to an in-home daycare, where the sweet lady takes care of her plus four or five other pre-school children. I planned everything out in the weeks before Sophia was born, made sure to choose someone who was licensed and all that good stuff.
It helps so much that I'm confident with my choice of daycare provider. It felt even better on Monday when Ms. S. told me that Sophia is the 'perfect baby'! I don't know if she's just being kind, but as her mother I'm inclined to believe how good and pretty she is! She took her bottles easily (I think it helps that I've been pumping breast milk.) She's been her usual content, smiley self at home too, so I know things are going well.
I'm pleased and surprised at how good I feel about everything. I enjoyed work today. Our class had a field trip to Trader Joes, where they gave us a little tour of the front and back of the store. Then we went to the pet shop to research which animal would make the best class pet. The boys all go for the fish, reptiles and other cold-blooded creatures, of course! There have been many days when I felt that I worked hard for my money. On this warm, golden November day I couldn't believe I was getting paid to do something I love!

The kids I work with have many labels for their conditions and behaviors; ED/BD (Emotional/Behavioral disorders) ADHD, Autism, etc. but in the end, kids are kids. Each one of them has their own unique personality with lots of heart and humor. There are days when I wonder if what I'm doing makes a difference because the changes are often too slow to be noticeable. Then there are days like today when I go home with my heart full of hope for their future.
Sophia ate just before leaving daycare and now she's sleeping on the boppy beside me, perfectly comfy. Perhaps not every day will be as easy but today I love my job, I know thay my daughter is doing well, and I feel sure that I made the right decision to go back to work.

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